More about Human Organisational Factors


What is Human Organisational Factors Training?

This type of training is delivered by means of a facilitated, guided, interaction between the trainer / facilitator and the group.

Considerable use is made of incident and accident case studies to inform about and then learn from the issues which caused problems.

Human factors subjects include:

  Human performance & limitations
  Human error and reliability, error prevention and detection
  Safety culture, standard operating procedures and organisational factors
  Stress, stress management, fatigue and vigilance
  Information acquisition and processing, situation awareness workload management
  Decision making
  Leadership and team behaviours
  Human technology interactions

As human factors knowledge has increased in many industries, it has become apparent that alongside them, associated complimentary subjects are essential. One of the first of these was Non-Technical Skills.

Non-Technical Skills (NTS) and Assessment

Now well-established, a development of global human factors learning is Non-Technical Skills and Assessment training.

Human personality is regarded as relatively stable. However attitudes, motivation and self-esteem can vary greatly from individual to individual. They can also vary greatly within an individual from day to day and even hour to hour.

What can be observed recorded and evaluated are behaviours.

This is not the case for attitudes, motivation or self-esteem as these are often transitory and also highly susceptible to subjective assessments.

More recently Just (Fair) Culture has been implemented (not yet universally) to ensure organisations can obtain the full (cost) benefit from the information, knowledge and expertise of their employees.

To train employees in how to report near misses and accidents for optimum organisational learning (cost benefit), Effective Event Investigator training draws heavily on the skillsets of the above Just Culture, Human Factors and NTS Assessment.

Better quality reporting equals better quality information which leads to better quality decisions and outcomes